Bereavement and Loss

Grief (bereavement) after the loss of a loved one has been described as a deep, internal wound and as a feeling that one’s life has been ripped apart. Thanks to the groundbreaking work of pioneers in the study of death, dying, and grief, most notably Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D., who first identified in 1969 the now famous Five Stages of Grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—our society at large has begun to acknowledge the emotional and social experience and effects of the dying process and of grief.  

The signs and symptoms of grief include physical, emotional/psychological, and social effects. Depressive (and sometimes anxious) symptoms are an inherent part of grief. The predominant mindset of a bereaved person is a feeling of emptiness or loss and usually occurs in “waves” which are associated with reminders of the deceased, while a person with Major Depressive Disorder usually experiences a depressed mood which is not tied to specific thoughts or experiences. However, depending on the closeness and type of relationship–i.e., how much the bereaved person relied on the deceased person for identity and emotional support—and/or depending on the manner of the death—e.g., traumatic (including murder, suicide, or accidents) or during estrangement, argument, alienation, etc– a grieving person may slip into a deep, lasting phase of depression and/or anxiety which requires professional help with therapy and/or medication. Persistent and complex bereavement (commonly called “complicated grief”) or traumatic bereavement may lead to or include diagnosis of a Depressive disorder, an Anxiety disorder, or a Trauma-related disorder. 

Even if the bereavement or loss experience is not complicated or traumatic, people often find quicker and more complete healing from a loss with the help from mental health professionals. Your Remedy team will work with you to develop the best possible outcome for you in your acceptance process in order to help you renew your commitment to life and redirect your energy. 

At Remedy, we recognize that each grief experience is unique for the individual. We also recognize that certain major life transitions—such as divorce or any relationship breakup, loss of a job, loss of a home, adjusting to medical problems, caregiving, losing custody of a child, moving to assisted living or nursing home, bankruptcy or other financial losses, etc—may be a grief and loss experience and may involve similar symptoms as in the grief experience from death of a loved one. 


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